For men using Minoxidil, between 40% and 60% see varying degrees of hair regrowth after 4 to 6 months of consistent use.
Preguntas Frecuentes
What is Men's Hair Regrowth Treatment?
It is a colorless liquid medication containing 5% minoxidil for use only on the scalp to help regrow hair in men.
Who may use Men's Hair Regrowth Treatment?
This product is for use only by men. Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment may be appropriate for you if you are a male at least 18 years old and experiencing gradually thinning hair or gradual hair loss on the top of the scalp (vertex only, as shown on the illustration below). It is not intended for frontal baldness or a receding hairline. The common inherited thinning or hair loss process begins slowly and may become noticeable only after years of gradual loss. Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment is for men with hair loss or thinning hair that begins on the vertex of the scalp. Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment is more likely to regrow hair in men with hair loss in the range shown above. If men have more hair loss than shown, this product may not work. Many of those experiencing hair loss have other family members with gradual thinning hair or hair loss. If you have no family history of gradual thinning hair or gradual hair loss, or your hair loss is patchy, see your doctor.
Who should NOT use Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment?
Women should not use this product because studies have shown it works no better in women than Women’s 2% Minoxidil Topical Solution. Some women may also grow facial hair. In addition, Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment may be harmful if used during preg-nancy or breast-feeding.
Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment should not be used on babies or for children under 18 years old. Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment will not prevent or improve hair loss which may occur with the use of some prescription and non-prescription medications, certain severe nutritional problems (very low body iron; too much vitamin A intake), low thyroid states (hypothyroidism), chemotherapy, or diseases which cause scarring of the scalp. Also, Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment will not improve hair loss due to:
- Damage from the use of hair care products that cause scarring or deep burns of the scalp.
- Hair grooming methods such as cornrowing or ponytails which require pulling the hair tightly back from the scalp.
Do not use if you are not sure of the reason for your hair loss.
Will Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment work for me?
The amount of hair regrowth is different for each person. Not everyone will respond to this product. The response to Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment cannot be predicted. It is unlikely anyone will be able to grow back all their hair. However, to see your best results with Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment, make sure you get the medicine directly to the scalp and apply it twice a day, every day. You may get better results if you have been losing your hair for a short period of time or have little hair loss. However, for some men, this product may not work.
What Minimal, Moderate and Dense Hair Regrowth Will Mean for You?
Number of Hairs
Some new hairs are seen, but not enough to cover thinning areas.
Hair Density
Hairs in thinning areas do not grow as closely together as hairs.
Number of Hairs
New hairs cover some or all of thinning areas.
Hair Density
Hairs in the thinning areas grow more closely together, but are not as close together as hairs on the rest of the head.
Number of Hair
New hairs cover, or almost completely cover thinning areas.
Hair Density
Hairs in thinning areas grow as closely together as hairs on the rest of the head
How soon can I expect results from using Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment
Since normal hair usually grows only 1/2 to 1 inch per month, hair regrowth with Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment also takes time. Results may be seen as early as 2 months with twice daily use. For some men, it may take at least 4 months for results to be seen.
If you do not see any results after 4 months, stop using Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment. When you first begin to use Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment, your hair loss may increase temporarily for up to 2 weeks. This is likely a sign that you are getting rid of old hairs in order to regrow more new hairs. This temporary increase in hair loss is expected and is a part of the process for how Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment regrows hair. Remember, this in-creased hair loss is temporary.
However, if it continues after two weeks, see your doctor.
If Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment is working, what will the hair look like?
At first, hair growth is usually soft, downy, colorless hairs (like peach fuzz). After further use, the new hairs should be the same color and thickness as the other hairs on your scalp.
How long do I need to use Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment?
If you experience hair regrowth, continued use of Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment is necessary, or the hair loss will begin again. In studies with 5% Minoxidil Topical Solution USP, hair regrowth has not been shown to last longer than 48 weeks of continuous treatment in large clinical trials.
What happens if I completely stop using Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment? Will I keep the new hair?
Continuous use of Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment is needed to maintain hair regrowth. If you stop using Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment, you will lose your newly regrown hair in 3 to 4 months.
How do I use Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment?
For best results, apply 1 mL 2 times a day directly onto the scalp in the hair loss area. Using more or more often will not improve results. Each bottle should last one month, if used as directed. Allow time for Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment to dry completely before wearing a hat, or lying on a pillow, etc.
Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment may cause staining of clothing or linens if damp on the scalp. When applying Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment at night, be sure to allow 2 to 4 hours to dry completely. Never take this product by mouth or apply to other parts of the body.
When do I use Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment?
Apply Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment once in the morning and once at night. The nighttime application should occur 2 to 4 hours before going to bed to allow for drying. Each bottle should last one month, if used as directed.
What if I miss a dose or forget to use Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment?
If you miss one or two daily doses of Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment, just continue with your next dose. You should not make up for missed doses.
If you have any questions after reading this information, or at any time while using Men’s Hair Regrowth Treatment, consult your doctor or contact us at 1-855-736-3346 or by emailing support@misantoremedio.com.