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How CoQ10 Can Help Fight Chronic Disease

Cómo CoQ10 Puede Ayudar a Combatir las Enfermedades Crónicas

The name may make it seem complicated, but the science behind CoQ10 is exciting. Let’s dive in and get to the bottom of what this antioxidant is all about.

What is CoQ10?

CoQ10 is short for Coenzyme Q10, a naturally occurring antioxidant found in every cell in the body. It’s found in lots of foods as well, especially cold-water fish, citrus fruits, berries, vegetables, and beans. Antioxidants like CoQ10 help protect cells from damage.

CoQ10 may support heart health

Antioxidants work by neutralizing free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause oxidative stress in the body. This stress can cause a buildup of plaque inside arteries that leads to heart disease. When clogged arteries restrict blood flow, the heart works much harder than it should to pump the blood. This prolonged strain can cause heart failure.

That’s where CoQ10 comes in.The main ingredient in CoQ10, ubiquinol, is the only known antioxidant that our cells can use to fight oxidative stress specifically leading to heart failure.

One study showed that CoQ10, when taken regularly for one year, decreased the amount of hospitalizations of patients experiencing heart failure. Its use was also linked to fewer serious complications in patients who were hospitalized.

Another study found that long-term use of CoQ10 improved symptoms of heart disease and reduced the number of major adverse cardiovascular events.

Defender against diabetes

Research has shown that CoQ10 could be a player on the diabetes-prevention team. One study indicated that CoQ10 helps fight insulin resistance and helps lower blood-sugar levels.

For people who already have diabetes, maintaining appropriate blood-sugar levels is critical. Since CoQ10 may lower blood-sugar levels, people experiencing diabetes shouldn’t incorporate it into their treatment plan without consulting their doctor. The same holds true for everybody when starting a new vitamin regimen: please consult your personal doctor.

Joining the fight against cancer

Cancer is the uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells that invade the body and interfere with its normal function. As an antioxidant that works on a cellular level, CoQ10 may help fight the cells’ susceptibility to damage, lowering your cancer risk.

In fact, studies (1)(2) have shown lower levels of CoQ10 in populations with certain kinds of cancer, such as cancer of the breast, blood, and skin.

Lung love

Because the lungs are such large organs in constant contact with oxygen, they are particularly at risk of damage from oxidative stress, which can lead to serious diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.

CoQ10 has been seen to be effective in combating inflammatory diseases, including the painful inflammation of asthma. One study showed that CoQ10 lowered the amount of steroid medication needed to treat patients with asthma.

Combined with a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and not smoking, CoQ10 could offer our lungs the extra love that we need to keep them healthy for years to come.

Bottom line

CoQ10 won’t make up for unhealthy choices, but when used to supplement a healthy lifestyle, there is evidence to show it may help keep your body protected from free radical damage. That’s good news for avoiding chronic disease.

Let’s get healthier, together!

Your friends at Santo Remedio

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