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How to ensure success on the Entalla plan

Cómo lograr que Entalla sea un éxito en ti

You made an important decision to take care of your health and body with the Entalla weight loss system. Congratulations are in order, and it’s time to help you make the changes to your lifestyle that will achieve the best version of yourself. Remember that perseverance can overcome any obstacle, and self-discipline will allow you to reach your goals. Get ready to dive into the new Entalla plan with maximum effort to make it a success. You will be fit and fabulous! Below are five tips to keep you motivated and faithful to your plan. Enjoy, and remember to celebrate every achievement – no matter how small it may seem.

1. Clean out the fridge and pantry before starting Entalla

The biggest temptations can be found in the refrigerator and pantry. Now is the time to get rid of packaged cookies, candy, bread, cakes, canned and processed foods, chips, bacon, butter, and everything else you know will contribute to you cheating on your meal plan. These foods are a barrier to your goal, so say goodbye and stop eating them. Don’t leave your favorite bag of chocolate guilty pleasure in a drawer. Toss it out and congratulate yourself for finishing this step.

2. Wake up earlier to exercise

Physical activity is an important part of weight loss and weight maintenance and helps improve overall health (1). Studies recommend 150 minutes of moderate physical activity weekly or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity weekly to promote weight loss (2). Adhering to the Entalla plan will ensure you receive the recommended amount. A lot of people use time as an excuse, so we suggest getting up a little earlier than usual to get started. The first few days might be a little difficult, but as you continue and progress you will see that physical activity generates more vitality. You can also count on Super Slim Café for an extra boost.

3. Incorporate meditation to relieve stress

We live in hectic, stress-filled times and meditation has become a powerful alternative to relieving tension. Research reveals that many people who are stressed, depressed or anxious turn to meditation or mindfulness-based interventions to achieve holistic wellness (3). Other studies demonstrate how stress and anxiety can be associated with weight gain and negatively impact total body mass index (4). That is why covering every aspect of weight loss and maintenance is so important. Need extra help? Try mixing a small glass of water, hot or cold, with Entalla's Will Pow(d)er.

4. Say yes to protein

In the Entalla plan, we say yes to protein. According to an analysis, protein promotes satiety, weight loss, and increased bone mineral mass (5). You can even support your dietary intake with a quality, sugar-free supplement. For animal protein, try Entalla Whey Protein (available in vanilla and chocolate). If you lead a vegan or plant-based lifestyle, choose Entalla Plant-Based Protein. Remember to eat more leafy green vegetables such as kale, spinach, collard greens, and seaweed.

5. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can increase appetite while decreasing motivation, making you unable to properly perform your physical activities. These factors can contribute to weight gain and obesity, as proven by research (5). To promote optimal health and overall well-being, it is recommended that adults between the ages of 18 to 60 receive at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Less than 7 hours of daily sleep is associated with increased risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, mental fatigue, and coronary heart disease (6). Changing your habits, but not getting adequate rest, will not yield the results you expect. Sleep can be your best ally.

You already have the Entalla plan on your side. Just bring a little determination to lose weight, lead a healthy lifestyle, and look and feel the way you always wanted to.

Your friends, Santo Remedio



1. Jakicic JM, Davis KK. “Obesity and physical activity.” Psychiatr Clin North Am. Vol.34(4):829-40. Dec. 2011 doi:10.1016/j.psc.2011.08.009.

2. Swift DL, McGee JE, Earnest CP, Carlisle E, Nygard M, Johannsen NM. “The Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Weight Loss and Maintenance.” Prog Cardiovasc Dis. Vol.61(2):206-213. Jul-Aug 2018 doi: 10.1016/j.pcad.2018.07.014.

3. Saeed SA, Cunningham K, Bloch RM. “Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Benefits of Exercise, Yoga, and Meditation.” Am Fam Physician. Vol. 15;99(10):620-627 May 2019

4. Haidar SA, de Vries NK, Karavetian M, El-Rassi R. “Stress, Anxiety, and Weight Gain among University and College Students: A Systematic Review”. J Acad Nutr Diet. Vol.118(2):261-274. Feb 2018 doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2017.10.015.

5. Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Nieuwenhuizen A, Tomé D, Soenen S, Westerterp KR. “Dietary protein, weight loss, and weight maintenance.” Annu Rev Nutr. Vol.29:21-41. 2019 doi:10.1146/annurev-nutr-080508-141056.

6. Liu Y, Wheaton AG, Chapman DP, Cunningham TJ, Lu H, Croft JB. “Prevalence of Healthy Sleep Duration among Adults--United States 2014.” MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. Vol.19;65(6):137-41. Feb 2016 doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6506a1.

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