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How to protect your eyes from UV rays

Cómo proteger tus ojos de los rayos UV

Just as we protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun, we need to do the same for our eyes. Why? Because solar radiation can affect the cornea and retina health as well as cause cataracts, among other problems. Children are especially vulnerable to UV rays because they have larger pupils, so it is essential to take care of their eyes when exposed to the sun (1). Here are some helpful tips to keep your eyes healthy while still enjoying the outdoors.

Avoid the bright sunshine at certain hours

The highest UV exposure for the eyes occurs in the morning and mid-afternoon hours, rather than midday as it does for the skin. The time of day and the time of year can also influence the sun’s effects on your vision since the exposure is more constant during winter, spring, and autumn because the sun is lower in the sky.

Wear the right protection

Researchers recommend wearing a wide-brimmed hat or cap and polarized or UV protection sunglasses. Choose sunglasses that limit UVB and UVA rays to no more than 1% transmission, and when looking for new ones, make sure they block at least 99% of UV rays. It is also key to completely cover the eyes to prevent as much light as possible from entering. (2)

Check the “class” of your contact lenses

If you wear contact lenses, ask your ophthalmologist about the best barrier for your eyes. Contact lenses that offer UV protection are classified as "class one" or "class two", with the former providing higher levels of UV protection. Although using UV contact lenses is beneficial to prevent damage from solar radiation, there are no scientific studies that show that they directly reduce the risk of any eye disease. (3)

Consume vitamin C

According to studies, supplements with vitamin C can delay the formation of cataracts, the main cause of vision loss in the world. This vitamin also helps protect your eyes from the sunshine and keeps the blood vessels in your eyes healthy (4). Consider including it as a supplement in your daily routine, as well as foods rich in this nutrient such as peppers, kiwi, guava, and cauliflower.

Don’t forget your eye contour area

The sun’s effects do not take long to reflect in the eyes as expression lines start to appear or increase. This area is very delicate, so taking care of it is crucial. In addition to using sunscreen, apply eye cream to provide a soothing effect on this sensitive area. The PIEL ETERNA Revitalizing Eye Cream includes seaweed, Camu Camu, Ceramides, and Hyaluronic Acid, among other powerful ingredients, to support collagen and elastin production. As a result, you will have a fresh, rested look. 

Sometimes we forget how important it is to take care of our eyes. They are the mirror of the soul and allow us to see life in many ways. Put these tips into practice to watch how vibrant and beautiful every day can be.


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1.-Iliya V Ivanov, Timo Mappes, Patrick Schaupp 2, Christian Lappe, Siegfried Wahl Ultraviolet radiation oxidative stress affects eye health. J Biophotonics. 2018 Jul;11(7):e201700377. doi: 10.1002/jbio.201700377. Epub 2018 Apr 24. URL:

2.- James E Sheedy 1, Richard F Edlich. Ultraviolet eye radiation: the problem and solutions . J Long Term Eff Med Implants.2004;14(1):67-71.doi:10.1615/jlongtermeffmedimplants.v14.i1.60.URL:

3.- Kristina Haworth 1, Christianne Belair Effect of UV-absorbing Contact Lenses on Conjunctival Ultraviolet Autofluorescence. Curr Eye Res. 2020 Aug;45(8):940-944. doi: 10.1080/02713683.2019.1707230. Epub 2019 Dec 26.URL:

4.-Julie C Lim , Mariana Caballero Arredondo , Andrea J Braakhuis , Paul J Donaldson . Vitamin C and the Lens: New Insights into Delaying the Onset of Cataract. Nutrients. 2020 Oct14;12(10):3142.doi:10.3390/nu12103142.URL:

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