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Anti-inflammatory Diet: Key Recipe for Good Health

Dieta Antiinflamatoria: Receta Clave de la Buena Salud

We would love for you to be an exception to the rule, but chances are that your health is not at its best and you may constantly be experiencing everything from discomfort to complex illnesses, just as happens to the majority of the population. And no matter how many treatments you do, you will not see a significant change in your quality of life.

Well, your problem is probably due to excess inflammation and you don't even know it. And it may be that the gateway to a new stage in your well-being is in what you eat. (1)

What is inflammation?

Inflammation in the body is a normal process. It is a reaction like fever, to defend ourselves from an enemy that is attacking us. However, when it becomes chronic it begins to alter the systems of our organs, therefore, they stop fulfilling their functions as they should, creating problems and diseases as diverse as:

  • Asthma

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Cardiovascular

  • Intestinal (indigestion, constipation or diarrhea)

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Alzheimer's and other diseases related to brain deterioration

  • Psoriasis and other skin diseases

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Cancer

There are even other minor problems that are also caused by inflammation of the body, such as:

  • Allergies

  • Lack of energy

  • Acne

It is a real headache for our health! Therefore, one of the best ways to avoid an escalation of problems is by trying to prevent inflammation from becoming chronic and in that, what we eat is key.

How can diet make a difference in inflammation?

In recent years, due to the increase in diseases and problems related to inflammation, more studies have begun to appear that closely link it to diet. Well, on the one hand there are products that promote it and others that help combat it. (2)

The worst enemies:

  • Sugar and high fructose products

Studies show that people who consume sugary soft drinks have elevated levels of uric acid, which increases inflammation and insulin resistance (3). It has even been shown that sugar can affect the anti-inflammatory effect of Omega 3. (4)

  • refined carbohydrates

They do not contain enough fiber that is responsible for controlling its absorption in the intestine, sugar and also the health of the intestinal flora, which is involved in managing inflammation in the body. (5)

  • Processed meats

It has been shown that the consumption of products such as sausages and sausages, such as ham, is related to a greater risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart problems and even some types of cancer such as stomach and, above all, colon cancer (6). This is because they contain certain products that form when cooked and cause inflammation. (7)

  • Artificial trans fats or partially hydrogenated oils

They are fats that are created by combining liquid fats with hydrogen, to give them a solid consistency, like those found in margarines and processed foods to make them last longer. There are studies that show that they generate inflammation and with that, increase the risk of diseases. (8)

  • Some types of vegetable and seed oils

There is some evidence that some vegetable oils such as soy can increase inflammation. This is because they contain a high percentage of omega-6 fatty acids, which we need, but not in large quantities. (9)

  • Alcohol

There are plenty of reasons to eliminate or at least reduce alcohol consumption and this is a very important one, as it is directly proportional to inflammation. Additionally, it can cause a disease called leaky gut, which causes widespread inflammation of the body and deteriorates organs. (10)

It is also important to consult with your doctor to verify if in your case there are other food products or additives that accelerate inflammation.

What can we eat to avoid inflammation?

Don't worry, there is still a universe of products that you can choose from and that will not only help you with inflammation, but with your complete health. The key is that it is with fresh, natural products and with the proper preparation.

  • Research has shown that diets based on plant foods that include fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices could be related to antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms that work holistically. (11) Therefore, add:

    • Fruits: especially pineapple, blackberries, blueberries, apples, tomatoes.

    • Vegetables: deep green leafy ones are ideal.

    • Spices and products such as cocoa.

  • Nuts and dried fruits: since they provide healthy fats that help reduce inflammation markers. (12)

  • Avocado and olive oil also have positive effects on inflammation markers. (13) (14)

  • Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna, because the omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids they contain play an important role in regulating inflammation. Research has shown that by increasing the proportion of these in the diet, through the consumption of fatty fish or fish oil supplements, reductions in the incidence of many chronic diseases that involve inflammatory processes can be achieved; especially cardiovascular, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases. (15)

  • Whole grains and grains reduce systemic inflammation. (16)

  • Probiotics, since it has been shown that by improving the intestinal microflora, pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory agents can be modified. (17)

Incorporating the consumption of some herbs and roots can also help you. Such as turmeric, which thanks to curcumin exerts an anti-inflammatory effect that has been compared to ibuprofen (18) You can also use quercetin, a plant pigment that reduces inflammation (19) as well as resveratrol, especially after exercise. (20)

Simple changes in your diet can open wide that door to a new, healthier and fuller life. Let's go for it!

Let's be healthier, together!

Your friends Santo Remedio

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