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The Power of the Mind and Emotions: Key Tools for Combating COVID-19

El Poder Mental y el Emocional: Herramientas Clave para Combatir el COVID-19

How many times have you wished 2020 would just end already? We all have! And here we are finally, with 2021 almost upon us. Many are doing it with the characteristic January momentum, full of resolutions, no matter how fanciful they may be! For others, however, things will remain the same... or worsen. Unfortunately for them, discouragement and hopelessness will once again take their days over as if they never left.

Is there any logic in feeling this widespread sense of anguish and hopelessness? Frankly, yes. In fact, it is more normal than we realize as we are still enduring a pandemic of greater proportions than the worst initial prognosis, that was erratically mishandled, with waves and numbers coming and going and catastrophic results that have impacted our lives in every possible way.

It is not only evident in the scores of unemployment and deceased loved ones, but also in the increase of divorces and separations (.), suicides (.) and consumption of alcohol, drugs and prescription medications (.). It’s an emotional avalanche capable of crushing anyone! We are all exhausted, but there is always a way to turn the situation around and make it less devastating. Above all, we want to ensure that the virus’ psychological effects do not worsen our health. On the contrary, it is vital to keep up in order to control this virus.

Be realistic, not pessimistic

As of August of last year, the numbers of cases and deaths from COVID-19 were still not even the tip of the iceberg and we were feeling the massive impact on mental health with an increase in anxiety, depression and stress related to the pandemic. It was enough to scare anyone. (.) The numbers have skyrocketed in recent months and will likely be more devastating than the virus itself by the end of this entire experience.

The threat is real, but that doesn't mean the data determines whether we live. There are thousands of success stories amid this health crisis with all its consequences. Stories of patients who beat the virus, even after nearly losing the battle, as well as people reinventing their businesses to bend the hand of trade closures and restrictions. If they can do it, you can, too. Not all endings have to be sad ones. To accomplish this, consider your current reality and take measures to prevent, adjust, mold to new needs, make the effort and persist.

Inquire about resources

It is true that the situation could have been handled better, and there is still a long way to go. However, the less time we spend focused on how bad things are, the faster we can find the light at the end of the tunnel that tells us where to go. Just like seeking financial help through loans and bailouts, we can (and should) also seek professional help and emotional support. That information may not bring us out of the abyss instantly, but it can help us stabilize mentally and look at the situation from another perspective that will provide the necessary momentum to move forward.

Organizations like the National Alliance for Mental Health, among others, have tools, resources, support groups and information that can help you.

Contracting the virus doesn't have to be the end of the world

This virus feeds on fear, did you know that? It loves it! It enjoys fear and uses every bit of it to swallow us up. And that's perhaps the worst part. Fear triggers other reactions like anxiety, uncertainty and stress! Stress disrupts sleep, messing up our cycle and kickstarting a series of reactions that decrease our immunity. (.)

One thing is to be careful to avoid contagion, and another is to be terrified of the possibility of even contracting it. Even if we test positive for coronavirus, that does not mean that we will experience the worst outcome. Many people get worse once they know they have been infected simply because their mood begins to deteriorate, they lose hope and that is simply the worst strategy we could have against the virus.

Focus, improve and strengthen

What now? You may have tested positive for COVID-19, but you need to take immediate action directly with your doctor. Check out our blog on antibody treatment to learn about the newest option available. So far, it is very effective so long as you use it for treatment as soon as you find out you are infected.

  • Try to improve every aspect of your life that has an impact on your health: food, rest and stress reduction.

  • Look for options that will help keep your spirits up, such as reading, hobbies, prayer, etc.

  • Strengthen your immune system after asking your doctor for recommendations.

Separated... but never alone

Although the pandemic has taken us away from each other physically, our creativity has combined with technology in a collaboration of miracles. Use those tools, connect with your loved ones through video calls, write to them, make your own videos to send to them, create a support group with people who are just as willing to keep up the good mood and share with them truthful information that can serve and inspire.

  • Remember that every day we are closer to leaving behind this nightmare of a virus.

  • Every day we are closer to mass vaccination.

  • Every day, new treatment options are emerging to help quell the virus and its symptoms.

Don't allow anything to diminish that inner strength!

Mental health and spiritual reinforcement are the keys to success. Use them constantly and you will see how, very soon, you will be able to look back and proudly proclaim: challenge surpassed!

Let's be healthier, together!

Your friends at Santo Remedio


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