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Get Fit with Us from Coast to Coast!

Entállate con nosotros, ¡de costa a costa!

Think about it, how would everything change if you gave yourself the chance to transform not only your body but also your entire life? Just imagine how you would feel when you finally hit the number on the scale, the one you dreamed of for so long. It’s not just for vanity, but this number means better health, more energy, more mobility to do those activities you've always wanted to do, a better mood, and improved self-esteem. It would probably even give you the impulse to apply for that dream job and prosper!

We want all of this to stop being a simple wish and become a reality because YOU took control of your life and put yourself first! This is what happened to 5 Despierta América viewers, who decided to join the Entállate de costa a costa challenge to achieve a total transformation inside and out.

They are men and women of different ages, who live all over the country and with a story that led them to lose control of their weight, but today they are determined to change to reach success. Meet them here.

  • Lourdes Soriano lives in New York. She nearly died of complications from Covid-19 and still deals with its side effects, such as fatigue and shortness of breath. Although she walks practically every day, she hasn’t been able to lose weight or reduce body pains. That’s why she wants advice from experts like Dr. Juan and Sabrina to find out which aspects she needs to strengthen to achieve her goals.
  • Mirna Figueroa lives in Los Angeles. Her partner's infidelity broke her heart, and that, added to the lack of work, lowered her self-esteem, but that did not stop her. However, she is aware that she needs help to become the confident woman she once was.
  • Roberto Tualla is from Casa Grande, Arizona. He has many challenges and is concerned about his health because he knows that those extra 50 pounds are putting him at risk. Today, he is willing to show his loved ones that it is possible to lose weight and live better.
  • Lyliam Vázquez is a single mother from Mansfield, Texas. Four years ago, she lost one of her children, and since then, she has lived submerged in depression. This led her to take refuge in food and gain a lot of weight. However, she is determined to overcome her grief and get her life back.
  • Félix Olivera lives in Coral Springs, Florida. It’s going to be ten years since he had a complicated heart surgery. He wants to celebrate this date being healthier than ever to continue watching his three daughters grow.





As you can see, each of them has a different motivation, but they all have a common goal: to stop making excuses, transform their lives, and improve their and their families quality of life.

  • For this reason, they have accepted the Entállate de Costa a Costa challenge, to share their process with all of us.
  • For three months, Dr. Juan and the nutritionist Sabrina Hernández-Cano will guide and support them every step of the way.
  • They will follow the Entalla system and the weekly menus, available for FREE on our website.
  • Everyone will learn to improve their habits, sleep better, meditate to manage stress, exercise daily, and make smarter choices when it comes to eating.
  • In addition to all the professional help, they will have the support of our complete line of functional supplements such as Super Slim Café, Skinny Yummy Gummy, Will Pow(d)er, or MetaBoost, which help in each area of ​​nutrition, energy, metabolism, as well as their fiber, protein, probiotics, and electrolytes intake.
  • The winner will be the one who lowers their body mass index the most and will be invited to the Despierta América studios.


You can witness the progress of these 5 incredible stories through Dr. Juan’s weekly segments in Despierta América, on our social media, and here, through our website.

What’s most important is that we can join them in their transformation journey because just as they are getting our help, you too can have access to the ENTALLA system.

Tell us, what is your story? What is your motivation to lose weight? Whatever it is, we want you to reach your healthy weight and achieve the life you deserve. We are here to give you all the support so that your dream becomes a reality.

Put yourself first and go for the weight and life you deserve! Get fit for self-love! Get fit with us from coast to coast!


Let's be healthier, together.

Your Santo Remedio team



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