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Get Fit with a Fit Partner to Reach Your Weight Loss Goal!

Entállate en compañía, ¡y logra tu meta de perder peso!

Who you hang out with can say a lot about your fitness level. Who you spend a lot of time with can be a driving force to take you to the next level or push you back. And that can apply to many things, but when focusing on weight loss, it’s important to choose wisely. That’s why this month, in which we celebrate love and friendship, we want to encourage you to find “an ally” so that together you can reach your best version. Here we’ll discuss why it’s beneficial to take the next step with the right person by your side.


It's easy to copy habits

Take this fact into account: more than 70% of adults living in the United States are obese or at least overweight (1). As a result, something that people are constantly searching for is methods and diets to lose weight. But no matter how hard they try, they almost always find the same problem: the family and social circle that surrounds them becomes their worst enemy due to their eating habits and lifestyle.


Be selective who you follow

Adults act just like children copying other children. A study led by experts from the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard showed there’s a close relationship between our inner circle, including our partner, and our weight. In fact, it’s been proven that if our partner is overweight, our chances that we will also gain weight are 37% higher, while if it’s a close friend, these increase to 57% (2). This happens because living with others implies sharing eating habits, hobbies, and other interests that, in the long run, show their results on the scale and in our health. For example, if your plans to hang out with your best friend are always to watch a whole TV series while eating pizza or junk food and drinking sodas, you can probably imagine what will happen.


A Fit Partner: the secret tool to lose weight

The exciting part of all this is that just as you copy the bad stuff, you can copy the good. Science has also proven that when you get together with people who care about their fitness, eating healthy, motivating each other, and maintaining a routine that supports this purpose, it’s much easier for you to connect with them and get inspired to follow their footsteps. For example, if you are spending more time with someone who prefers to prepare healthy foods at home and then go for a walk, your chances of leading a healthier lifestyle will be greater since you will make more informed decisions regarding your diet and routine, just as they do. It's all up to you!


Want more proof? Here it is!

  • In 2018, results from a study were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Psychiatry (JAMA), which showed that exercise may be more important than we think for good health, especially when people suffer from depression. Those who maintain a good physical condition have been shown to lower their chances of dying from heart problems, even if they are diagnosed with depression. And one of the keys to achieving the motivation to exercise is to do it with someone else. (3)
  • Another study found that social support can be critical for weight loss among Latinos, especially those with type 2 diabetes. When family and friends join efforts to exercise and improve habits, you can achieve better weight loss results. This is because having colleagues who are on "the same page" helps to make better decisions, improve habits, and motivate each other. (4)

Connect with those who can positively impact your life while losing weight together!

This is our proposal. This month, when we show our love and affection for others, we suggest inviting at least one special person in your life, with whom you want to start this weight loss journey, to join you so that together you improve your lives. It could be your significant other, a friend, a co-worker, your parents, your child, or a sibling. You choose who to give a new beginning. It will not only be a more bearable journey for you, but also a unique opportunity for both of you, which will make a difference in your quality of life.
In Entalla, we gathered all the necessary tools: nutritional information, meal plans to follow, and a clear and easy-to-follow guide. You will also find supplements that can make your journey easier, such as our Super Slim Café, which provides energy and adequate nutrition, as it’s a great source of fiber and thermogenic that will help burn fat faster. Plus, you can join our community on Facebook to be part of a support group.
There is no better gift for someone you care about than giving them the motivation to improve their life and health. We can assure you that the experience is worthwhile and will surely be the most valuable gift you receive in your life.
Let's be healthier, together.

Your friends at Santo Remedio. 



  1. Fryar CD, Carroll MD, and Ogden CL. Prevalence of overweight, obesity, and extreme obesity among adults aged 20 and over: United States, 1960–1962 through 2013–2014. National Center for Health Statistics. Health E-Stats. External link(PDF, 341 KB). Published July 2016. Accessed July 6, 2017.
  2. Benjamin L. Willis, MD, MPH1; David Leonard, PhD1; Carolyn E. Barlow, PhD1; Association of Midlife Cardiorespiratory Fitness With Incident Depression and Cardiovascular Death After Depression in Later Life. Original Investigation September 2018. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018;75(9):911-917. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.146
  3. Becky MarquezAndrea AndersonRena R WingDelia S West  , Robert L Newton  5 , Maria Meacham  6 , Helen P Hazuda  7 , Anne Peters  8 , Maria G Montez  7 , Stephanie T Broyles  5 , Martha Walker  8 , Gina Evans-Hudsnall  9 , Look AHEAD Research Group
  4. Thomas A. Wadden, Ph.D., Albert J. Stunkard Cómo escoger un programa para adelgazar seguro y exitos. Instituto Nacional de la Diabetes y las Enfermedades Digestivas y Renales (NIDDK), Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH)
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