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Make Your Own Yogurt - An Easy and Healthy Homemade Treat!

¡Haz Tu Propio Yogur Casero, Fácil y Saludable!

There's nothing tastier or better for our digestion, especially if we're focused on improving our eating habits, than adding a little yogurt to a smoothie or layered into our favorite parfait. However, many of us are unable to enjoy that pleasure due to food intolerance or because we simply don't consume dairy. Which is why we would like to share with you a simple way to prepare your own healthy version, without sugar or preservatives, with lactose or vegan, and in any case bringing you all the benefits of intestinal flora.

Homemade Yogurt


  • 1 cup of whole cow, soy, coconut, or almond milk

  • Contents from 1 probiotic capsule

  • Glass jar

  • Coffee filter or cotton cloth

  • Rubber band

  • Small strainer

  • Wooden or silicone spoon


Add the milk of your choice to the jar, along with the contents of the probiotic capsule. Gently stir well with the spoon, until dissolved. Cover the jar with a cloth or filter, tying it down with the elastic band. Let it rest and ferment for 12 to 18 hours at room temperature (ideally 72 to 74 degrees) on a kitchen counter.

You can even check it between 8 to 10 hours later as it may already have the consistency you want. When using cow's milk, the texture will be creamier like store bought yogurt. The longer it sits, the thicker it will be. If you use alternative milk, the taste will be a little sourer and the consistency more like kefir, although it will not necessarily have the same mix of bacteria and yeast. That all depends on the probiotics you use.

When the texture is where you want it, place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Serve it as you normally would, on fruit, with granola, or in a smoothie. Sweeten with stevia or ground up dates. Delicious!

The scientific evidence

  • When talking about a substance that promotes health, real wellness, and is a "pro-life" product, you can mention probiotics. These bacterial cultures can do so much for our body. There are about 100 trillion microorganisms in the gastrointestinal system, known as microbiota, microbiome, or intestinal flora. (1)

  • They live mostly in the large intestine and include bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses, and even parasites. A large part of our health depends on their balance. (2)

  • Among other benefits, they help to improve digestion and metabolize carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and fiber. They help synthesize vitamins and minerals. They also reinforce the body's defensive mechanisms, regulating the immune system by controlling pathogens. (2)

  • In addition to yogurt, we can add "pro-life" bacteria through other fermented products such as kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, microalgae, and any containing Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium. (3) They are not always easy to find and even less easy to prepare, so adding them as supplements is a practical option to regulate use. An amount or community of bacteria contained in a dose is at least 10 billion (or 10 trillion) and should be taken daily as recommended for adults by the American Association of Family Physicians and the U.S. National Institutes of Health. (4,5)

Now you know another way to ferment and cultivate your own universe of microorganisms and support your own wellness.

Let's get healthier, together.

Your Santo Remedio Team

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