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How To Detox The Intestines Naturally

¿Cómo Limpiar Mis Intestinos Naturalmente?

One of the most underappreciated functions of the human body is bowel evacuation. It is a process we take for granted, and one considered taboo to talk about. We only pay attention once it becomes a problem, especially a chronic one. However, our overall health depends on it being a naturally occurring and daily process.

Clean intestines mean better nutrient absorption, more energy, less toxins, radiant and luminous skin, improved sleep quality, and even better breath. If you have issues defecating, it’s a good idea to help your guts in a healthy way, without risking proper intestinal functioning. Let’s look at a few ideas:

Walk, don’t run, to results

Detoxifying does not mean you take laxatives or do cleanses after binging. A colonic irrigation is performed by a professional only when necessary, as in the case of a required colonoscopy, and ideally is completed in two sessions to avoid harming the intestinal microbiota (1). Laxatives, which are commonly used more often than they should, and are generally safe, can eventually cause allergic reactions or irritate the intestinal mucosa with long-term use. Laxatives can also lead to metabolic insufficiency because they resolve the problem without allowing the body to naturally take its course. (2)

More fiber makes it easy!

The idea is to help your body regain its natural rhythm. Fiber is vital in helping evacuate the body, sweeping out toxins to keep our intestines clean. And just like a clean home helps us be more organized, hygienic, and happy, a clean interior helps us feel balanced, maintain a healthy weight, avoid obesity and related problems like heart disease, cerebrovascular issues, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and gastrointestinal complications like reflux, ulcers, constipation, and hemorrhoids. (3)

Unfortunately, in the United States, both children and adults alike only consume about half of our required daily fiber intake. But the solution is simple: consume more fiber! Just 25 extra grams of fiber a day can help relieve occasional constipation (4). Fresh fruits and vegetables contain an abundance of fiber, especially artichokes. Legumes and seeds such as flax and chia are easy to add onto sweet and savory dishes or salads. Nopal[c] is another excellent option, either fresh or in supplement form. It helps bowel movement and evacuation, as well as kidney function (5). Another great choice is cascara buckthorn but incorporate it gradually to help avoid upset stomach. Cascara buckthorn promotes contraction of the colon to help with defecation. Other products like psyllium are being researched for their prebiotic benefits to stimulate good bacteria. (6)

Back to the basics: drink water

Fiber alone is not enough – in fact, it may even obstruct – if not taken with enough liquid to help it do its job correctly. It may seem obvious, but we often forget how necessary and beneficial it is to our digestive system to just drink enough pure water. The research doesn’t lie. Add 1.5 to 2 liters of water to those 25 grams of fiber every day, and constipation will be a memory of the past. (4)

Protect your inner community

You might be tired of hearing about the benefits of taking probiotics, but they really do so much for our health! Dozens of studies make the same point: probiotics help support the community of microorganisms that inhabit our intestines. Whenever we consume probiotics, we are supporting our general overall health – starting with our defense system and fundamental for our bodily evacuation! Probiotics are responsible for balancing and supporting the digestive system, removing toxins and pathogens. (7)

Evidence proves that, among other things, probiotics help treat and avoid diarrhea when taking antibiotics, improve the metabolism of lactose, reduce cholesterol, and improve the quality and general health and functioning of the intestines, allowing better nutrient absorption. Although other benefits are still being studied, probiotics remain a promising choice for digestion. (8)

Daily detoxing, one step at a time

Walk, move, even if its slow-going. Help your guts function better with exercise – it’s that easy! Aerobic exercise or moving in place work on many levels. It may be difficult to get motivated to move when constipated, so start now by walking daily 30 minutes at a slow or moderate pace. This is enough to activate your metabolism and help get your bowels going. (9,10)

Small steps that can help regulate intestinal activity and eliminate toxins and waste in a natural way, without causing discomfort.

Let’s be lighter and healthier, together.

Your Santo Remedio Team

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