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Symptoms of menopause and supplements that can support you

Síntomas de la menopausia y suplementos que pueden apoyarte


Women face several challenges throughout our lives, mostly marked by hormonal changes, such as menopause. And there are many myths about this stage; for example, that we become invisible, that we stop being attractive or that intimate life is not the same. However, when you have healthy habits, eat well, and consume some supplements that can help you deal with the symptoms, this stage can become one of the best of your life. After all, you have traveled a path that has left you learning, wisdom and maturity. Here we share some supplements that could help you relieve some symptoms of menopause.


¿Whatand is it menopause?

From a medical point of view, it is the time in a woman's life when the ovaries stop producing hormones and menstrual periods stop. It usually arrives abruptly and causes ups and downs in hormone production, which is why we can feel hot flashes and sweat. The metabolism can also be affected and with that, the energy level drops, causing fatigue, listlessness and mood changes.(1). Fortunately, There are vitamins and supplements to help us fight those and others inconvenience.


Vitamin B12 and maca to support energy

Vitamin B12 is vital for good health and even more during menopause, because it is a great ally against fatigue and weakness. We find it in various products of animal origin such as fish, poultry, meat and lacteos in general. Sometimes it's not so easyeasy to have access to all those fresh foods, especially if we carry a plant-based diet what makes us difficultcil acquire the benefits of this vitamin. It has been proven that people with vegetarian and vegan diets are more likely to suffer from anemia and other complications due to lack of vitamin B12. (2).

The B12 vitamin helps you increase your energyto and to relieve fatigue, in additions to improve the state ofcheer up This also related with the production of serotonin and dopamine, the hormones of happiness. Maintain a healthy level of vitamin B12 is key to combat mood swings, depressionon and anxiety, which are also symptoms of this stage.(3)

Support your energy level too It is possible with a supplement of bruise. A daily dose is enough to increase it gradually and in a healthy way. Some studies suggest that it could also have positive effects in relieving Hot flashes, a very common symptom of menopause. Alreadyalthough stillin the absence of mores research, some evidence shows that by increasing energy, it can support against decreased libido(4). A very promising aspect, so that this stage is not an impediment to achieving a full life.


rcuma and Resveratrol to reduce joint pain

You are experiencing menopause and youDo your knees bother? It is another very symptom commonn the joints start to hurt. ANDthis tooandIt is caused by hormonal changes. One of the ways to reduce these inconveniences are carried out moderate exercise. Staying active will always be a way to be healthy.

The Turmeric You can also collaborate to reduce inflammatory processes, especially after exercise, reducing the pain in your joints. He Resveratrol, for its part, has high estrogen propertiesandunique and anti-inflammatory (4). Studies show thatHelps preserve bone density and maintain a healthier appearances jovial, thanks to its ability antioxidant.


Ashwagandha and passionflower to support calm

It's normal for all of these changes to make you feel stressed and overwhelmed. ANDInstead of feeling guilty for letting your emotions flow, embrace this new stage of your life. You have come very far! All those hormonal changes can remind you what you went through in adolescence with all that anxiety, nervousness and irritability, but now you are morebe wise and have hand tools that can help you to feel better. If you find it difficult to relax, you can try the Tand of Passionflower and the Ashwagandha, the perfect combination to reduce stressands and sleep like a babyé, something that is also difficult at this stage.

There are many ways to counteract yessymptoms of this period of our lives, the important thing is that you take action as soon as possible and give your body and mind the best. Here We are here to support you at every stage of life.

let's be mores healthy, together.

Your team Santo Remedio







  1. Larpin C, Wozniak H, Genton L, Serratrice J. Alimentations vandgétariennes et véyou win : quelles conséquences sur la santé ? [Vegetarian and vegan diets and their impact on health]. Rev Med Suisse. 2019 Oct 16;15(667):1849-1853. French. PMID: 31617971.
  2. Ana Pagoaga, Victoria Interiano, Elena N. Reyes. dandVitamin B12 deficiency and Psychiatric ManifestationsTricks. Honduras Magazineñaa of the postgraduate degree in Psychiatry Vol. 10-No. 1,Ayear 2016.
  3. Dording CM, Schettler PJ, Dalton ED, Parkin SR, Walker RS, Fehling KB, Fava M, Mischoulon D. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial of maca root as treatment for antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction in women. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:949036. doi: 10.1155/2015/949036. Epub 2015 Apr 14. PMID: 25954318; PMCID: PMC4411442.
  4. Di Credico A, Gaggi G, Izzicupo P, Bucci I, Di Baldassarre A. Resveratrol Enhances the Cytotoxic Activity of Lymphocytes from Menopausal Women. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Nov 29;10(12):1914. doi:10.3390/antiox10121914. PMID: 34943018; PMCID: PMC8750017.
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