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An unforgettable supplement for autumn

Suplementos para un otoño inolvidable

Autumn is romanticAhNTICO and invited us to enjoy a walk during the D periodYesa. Watching the leaves fall AhTrees and the night, at home, enjoy the nightAhS long. This is the ideal weather for drinking beer Hot teaRead a book, or just enjoy a pleasant conversation. It's alsoYes·The perfect time for our bodies to prepare for climate change. Continue reading, let you see what we can take care of you and help you sit down Spectacular.

  • To protect you from catching a cold

We have been receiving treatment from our grandmother since childhood to take care of ourselves and avoid catching colds. His concern has been resolvedIncluding many CISTrikos. So they were rightBecause it has been proven Vitamin CRich in fruits such as oranges or lemons, which can help make colds more severeS MildYes(1). in additions. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that helps combat free radicals and prevent premature aging.

  • For Mom's sakeS Energy

Los Angeles Vitamin B12 It is crucial for the human body because it is responsible for the growth of red blood cells, making you feel more energeticPerform all your daily tasks. even, It can help you To prevent the emotional decline this season!(2) such There will beLoaded Stack With great enthusiasm No matter what you plan to do. Always welcome additional help.

  • For the health of your bones

daily lifeThey are the mostAutumn is very short, and we have less sunlight, That's why Now is the perfect time to dust off your coat and get through the difficultiesS time is inside. However, this reduces our perception of Vitamin DThis vitaminAmong other tasks, it is also responsible for maintaining the health of our bones. It usually occurs under the correct sunlight, but this is even more so during this seasonIt's difficult, so Suggest purchasing from supplements. (3)

  • Take care of your skin

In this season, the wind is colderO and weatherS is dry, so the skin mayDry. Maintaining it is important damp Keep it fresh and beautiful. If it's to shine, there's nothing better than this Luminescent serum from PIEL ETERNA A combination of multiple micronutrients Help return Natural brightness delete Face. in additions. Thank youHyaluronic acidNico Los Angeles Skin looks more likeSimple and firm. (4)

Now you have everything you need for entertainment this season, It's MomBe healthy with the person you love. Go for a walk and admire the fearless things you have here We have everything you need that makes you feel unbelievableBoolean.

Your team,

Santo Remedio



  1. Musaha. Prevent and treat influenza, influenza like diseases, and the common cold through herbal remedies, supplements, and natural therapies. J Supplementary Alten Med based on Evid, January 2017; 22 (1): 166-174. DOI: 10177/215658721641831. EPUB April 6, 2016. PMID: 27055821; PMCID: PMC5871211.
  2. Tufan AE, Bilici R, USTA G, Erdo íA. Mixed mental disorders caused by vitamin B12 deficiency in adolescents: case report. Children's mental health. June 22, 2012; 6 (1): 25. Ministry of the Interior: 10118/1753-2000-6-25. PMID: 22726236; PMCID: PMC3404901.
  3. Saraff V, Shaw N. Sunshine and Vitamin D. Arch Dis Child. February 2016; 101 (2): 190-2. DOI: 101136/ArchDischild-2014-307214. EPUB on August 31, 2015. PMID: 26323284.
  4. Kawabata C, Yoshida T, Yoshida H, Matsuoka R, Sakamoto W, Osaka W, Sato T, Yamazaki T, Kanemitsu T, Masuda Y, Urushibata O. Ingestion of transparent and moisturizing dry skin. Nutr J., July 11, 2014; 13: 70. Ministry of the Interior: 101186/1475-2891-13-70. PMID: 25014997; PMCID: PMC4110621.
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