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Tips for radiant and healthy skin in summer

Tips para una piel radiante y saludable en verano

With the arrival of summer, the temperature, heat, outdoor activities and the intensity of ultraviolet rays increase. This means it's time to pay more attention to skin care, as ultraviolet radiation from sunlight affects your DNA, which is the first step in the development of skin cancer. UVA rays penetrate deeply and damage collagen and skin cells, and are responsible for premature aging. To help you take the right measures, we share several suggestions for enjoying the sun, protecting yourself from its harmful effects.


  • Avoid the hours of the most intense sun. Between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is when the sun is strongest and produces the greatest chance of sunburn. If you are going to be outside during these hours, seek shade under trees, use an umbrella or other type of protection. Even on a cloudy day, UV radiation can burn you, so don't let your guard down.


  • Use sun protection. Using sunscreen is extremely important throughout the year, but even more so in summer. It is the easiest and most effective way to protect the appearance and health of your skin at any age, because you help prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging (1). We recommend our RADIANCE Solar and Mineral Primer with SPF 42 which combats the aggression of the sun's ultraviolet rays and also protects against pigmentation caused by artificial lights and electronic devices. In addition, it has a subtle tint available in two shades to help you conceal imperfections and offers physical and non-chemical protection, which does not harm your body or the environment.


  • Keep hydrated. As the days get hotter, it's important to drink more water to prevent dehydration and fatigue, regulate body temperature, and keep skin healthy (2). Lack of water can be detrimental to muscle tissue and performance, causing exhaustion and reducing blood volume, forcing the heart to work harder to circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body. Therefore, water is essential and acts as an energy drink. Also, you can use our Will Pow(d)er, a delicious pink grapefruit-flavored botanical drink mix that promotes proper hydration of the body. It has essential minerals, such as magnesium and potassium. In addition, it is a support in stress control.




  • Moisturizes the skin. The salt in seawater, the chlorine in swimming pools and hot weather can dry out the skin considerably, so it is essential to keep it hydrated. Start and end your days by moisturizing your face so it is healthy and radiant. A perfect combo would be Zelma Brightening Serum, which contains ceramides that support hydration and radiance, and Moisturizing Facial Cream, which has ectoine, an ingredient that has proven to be resistant to extremely dry conditions. Also, don't forget to moisturize the rest of the body, since it is also affected in summer by excess sun, repellents, more shaving, among others.




  • Cover all your skin from the sun. Aside from protecting your face with sunscreen, you should do the same for the rest of your body. It is recommended to use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 and apply it every two hours or after swimming or sweating (3). Additionally, wear sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection to help prevent damage to the sensitive skin around your eyes, as well as cataracts. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face and shoulders. Lastly, apply a lip balm with SPF 30, as lips can get sunburned and develop cancer just like the rest of the skin.


Although we hear that the sun is good for obtaining Vitamin D, we should not abuse it either. We want you to enjoy your summer with your family full of health. Put these tips into practice and continue with your healthy lifestyle.


Your team Santo Remedio





  1. F P Gasparro, M Mitchnick, J F Nash. A review of sunscreen safety and efficacy. 1998 Sep;68(3):243-56. URL:


  1. Nathalie Pross, Agnès Demazières, Nicolas Girard, Romain Barnouin, Francine Santoro, Emmanuel Chevillotte, Alexis Klein, and Laurent Le Bellego. Influence of progressive fluid restriction on mood and physiological markers of dehydration in women. 2013 Jan 28; 109(2): 313–321. URL:


  1. Sun Safety. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. URL:
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