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Dare to take the leap in weight and health with Intermittent Fasting!

¡Atrévete a dar el salto en peso y salud con el Ayuno Intermitente!

It may be that you are intimated to try on Intermittent Fasting or, if you did, you haven't gotten the results you expected or perhaps, you felt too drastic for you. We want to clear your doubts to give you a new opportunity. If you're fit for Intermittent Fasting and you do it the right way, in addition to losing weight, you'll give your health a big boost.


What Is Intermittent Fasting?

• It's an extended period that we spend without ingesting food. In fact, people do fast by spending about 8 hours without eating during the night. That is why the first meal of the day is called "breakfast", because we end with fasting.


• Fasting is not a new method, because it has a millennial use in many cultures and religions. It is believed that by resting our digestive system, the body is relieved and our mind is calm, which facilitates meditation and introspection.


According to science ... What benefits does fasting have?

• On a scientific level it has been seen that by giving the body a pause of the digestion process, it can focus on eliminating toxins, on improving energy levels and even on curing certain ailments and diseases. (1)


• The most recent studies have shown that a fast performed in the right way goes well beyond weight loss and could be key to combating the effects of aging in the body, as it can control inflammation and generate a metabolic change in glucose and protein, and even, produce a regulation and improvement of people's mood. (2) (3)


• By having a better mood and better metabolism, physical performance is also better, which is key to losing weight. (4)


How do I make a fast that really is a support for my health?

First of all, you don't need to perform extreme fasting from day to day. If you spend 8 hours sleeping, you can start by increasing one hour before you go to bed and another when you wake up, before you have breakfast. That way, you'll be fasting for 10 hours! Gradually you can add more time, until fasting between 12 to 16 hours.


Researchers have realized that a fast has optimal results when we give the body high nutrients in the food hours. That way, it removes toxins during fasting and then thrives, helping to improve the tissues and cells of our body.


In the DALE plan of ENTALLA, from June, you will find a complete guide to liquids and other drinks that you can consume during the fasting hours, which provide nutrients, but do not interrupt it. You'll also find a list of highly nutritious foods to consume at meals, supplements ENTALLA that can help you get through the fast periods like the Super Bone Broth and the Will


It's normal to feel a little headache during the first few days. This is a product of detoxification and is temporary. Usually, it happens to the fourth day, when in addition, you start to feel that the concentration and the mood improve.


Pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and adolescents, people with high blood pressure, hypoglycemia or under some medical treatment should not practice fasting. And in any case, remember that you should always consult with your doctor before starting this or any eating style.


If your doctor authorizes you and you put all your will into following the advice of the DALE plan and the Intermittent Fasting, we are sure that your fitness and health will make a great leap, which will go far beyond looking at the body of your dreams this summer. We bet for that!





Your team Santo Remedio.




1. Sumona MandalNiall SimmonsCider AwanKarim ChamariIrfan Ahmed Intermittent fast: Eating according to time to promote health and exercise performance BMJ Open Sport Exercise Med. January 7, 2022; 8 (1): E001206. DOI: 10.1136/BMJSEM-2021-001206.


2. Wang Yiren and Wu Ruilin, Effects of fasting on human metabolism and mental health/disease markers. 2022; 2022:5653739. Published online on January 5, 2022. Ministry of the Interior: 10115/2022/5653739


2. Klupian, Hass J, Brandhorst S, Longo VD. "Periodic and intermittent fasting in diabetes and cardiovascular disease". Curr Diab Rep, Vol. 20 (12): 83. December 2020 DOI: 0107/S11892-020-01362-4. Website:


3. Moro T, Tinsley G, Bianco A, Marcolin G, Pacelli QF, Battaglia G, Palma A, Gentil P, Neri M, Paoli "A. The impact of 8-week restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximum strength, body composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors in endurance trained men. Journal of Translational Medicine, Vol. 14 (1): 290. October 2016 DOI: 0118/S12967-016-1044-0. Website:


4. Sch ü bel R, Nattenm ü ller J, Sookthai D, Nonnenmacher T, Graf Me, Riedl, Schlett Cl, Von Stackelberg O, Johnson T, Nabers D, Kirsten R, Kratz M, Kauczor Hu, Ulrich CM, Kaaks R, K ü hn T. "The effects of intermittent and sustained calorie restriction on body weight and metabolism above 50 weeks: a randomized controlled trial." AM J Clin Nutr. Volume 108 (5): 933-945. November 2018 DOI: 10.1093/AJCN/NQY196. Website:

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