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Celebrate a more creative, healthier Easter

Celebra una Pascua Más Creativa y Saludable

We are at one of the most significant dates for both believers and non-believers alike. While some like to enjoy the celebration of the beginning of spring and nature’s rebirth after winter, others like to evoke physical and spiritual liberation, while most Hispanics of faith celebrate the Resurrection and hope of a new opportunity. One thing in common, we are all celebrating life! Whatever reason we give for that celebration, the truth is we all like to enjoy buffets of food and drink with the added danger of spreading COVID-19. Keeping this in mind, we have some suggestions for you to celebrate the weekend in a way that may be different but no less healthy and fun.

Small changes create a big difference in your health

At these celebrations, there is a lot of food with high sugar and fat content. For those who celebrate religious traditions, although avoiding meat consumption and opting for fish (which is very healthy!), tend to eat it in unhealthy ways such as fried, accompanied by potatoes, also fried. Talk about a bomb to our liver! A simple and equally tasty suggestion is to grill or bake the fish, pairing it with golden potatoes prepared the same way and a green salad.

Have the bunny help create new habits

If you have children, the arrival of the Easter bunny and his colorful eggs is one of the most memorable days of the year. However, it can quickly become one of the worst due to the amount of sugar consumed in a single day. In addition, this creates a link in a child’s mind that celebration equals candy. The good news is it doesn't have to be that way. We can do both, celebrate and take care of our family's health. It is precisely during childhood that the foundations for eating habits are set that will determine how their future health is created. Here are some suggestions for a fun and healthy celebration:

  • Paint eggs as a family. Hard boil a few eggs and allow them to cool before using a food paint kit to decorate and eat them. You can use regular watercolors or non-toxic crayons if you don’t plan on eating them. It's a simple activity that grandparents can participate in as well, making this a great opportunity to spend time with children and create beautiful memories for everyone.

  • Make healthy Easter eggs. Reinvent the classic tradition by giving it a healthy twist. Buy plastic eggs and fill them with pretzels, whole-grain cereal, dried fruit, or chocolate-dipped almonds. Another good option are blueberries dipped in dark chocolate because the bitterness of the cocoa is disguised by the sweetness of the fruit. Make sure there is no added sugar.

  • Make your own Easter baskets. You can put together small baskets with a few chocolates or candies, but include things like small toys, crayons, coloring books, fruit skewers, individual jellies, etc.

  • For adults, another practical suggestion to avoid a carbohydrate spike in the body is to consume a couple of capsules of nopal about 30 to 45 minutes before it’s time for chocolates and food. The fiber in nopal will help slow the absorption of food and avoid sugar spikes. (1)

Together but separate

Even if we want to, we can’t ignore the fact that the pandemic is still not over. If, despite the recommendations of the health authorities like the Center for Disease Control (CDC) who insist we avoid gatherings, your Easter plans with the family are still on, check the following measures to reduce the risk of contagion. (2)

  • Consider virtual participation.

  • The CDC’s Prevention Guidelines allow indoor gatherings of people from no more than three different households.

  • Maintain distance if possible.

  • Wear double masks when not eating.

  • Eat outdoors, or open windows if you are in an enclosed space.

  • Keep the plates, cups, and utensils disposable.

  • Use condiments in small, individual packets.

  • Wash your hands constantly, and make sure your children do the same.

This could be the year we create new traditions and establish a healthy basis for a better future for our family. It all depends on us.

Let's keep working at being healthier, together.

Your Santo Remedio Team

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