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Hydration and feminine cycles: Balance is the key

Hidratación y ciclos femeninos: El equilibrio es la clave

Female cycles are actually very complex, since different hormones are involved, many more than those we commonly know, and this causes different reactions in our body. Among the most common and annoying problems during the menstrual cycle are pain and fluid retention. Believe it or not, both symptoms are related to the amount of water we keep in the body. On the one hand, you retain water, but, at the same time, you need more water to combat excess and other effects caused by the menstruation process.

Research has shown that a lack of hydration makes us more sensitive to pain. And on the other hand, by being hydrated, we can produce more endorphins that help us combat it, since an analgesic effect is produced. But it's not just about drinking more water. To ensure that our body flows in harmony throughout the cycle and even during menopause, the key is balance.


The mechanism of hormones and water

The amount of the main hormones (estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone) is not the same throughout the menstrual cycle. It changes according to the phase our body is in. In the follicular phase (first day of menstruation, until day 14), for example, there is little estrogen at first, but when menstruation ends it rises abruptly, as does luteinizing hormone. Meanwhile, progesterone always remains at a low level in this phase. But it increases when the luteal phase begins, during the second half of the cycle.

What does this have to do with hydration? Very much!

Between days 15 to 28 of the menstrual cycle, when the level of progesterone is much higher, the lymphatic and renal systems are affected due to the action of a hormone (arginine vasopressin) known as an antidiuretic, which has to do with the regulation of the liquids. Its main effect these days is water retention in the kidneys. In the luteal phase there may also be greater sodium accumulation due to the action of other hormones in the blood.

—>Studies have shown that fluid retention and its effects vary in intensity throughout the different phases of the cycle. However, throughout the entire process it is important to stay very well hydrated to help eliminate it and support lymphatic drainage.

—>In addition, it has been seen that inadequate hydration can increase pain, fatigue, lack of concentration and mood, among other symptoms.(1)

—>Hydration is just as important during menopause. Hormonal imbalance also affects the normality of fluids. At this stage, the first effect we pay attention to regarding water is the dryness of our skin. However, our entire body needs to stay hydrated to combat fluid retention, hot flashes, and sweating, among other symptoms.(2)


How to achieve correct hydration? 

  • The first step, of course, is to increase your water intake. Even if you don't feel thirsty during some weeks of your cycle, get into the habit of drinking more water.
  • Parallel to this, electrolyte intake also increases. Hydration must be balanced so as not to decompensate the level of minerals. Remember that a mineral imbalance also occurs with less potassium, magnesium, calcium and in contrast, an increase in sodium. You can use Will Pow(d)er Entalla. This mixture of minerals and plants is ideal to use throughout the menstrual cycle, since in addition to supporting your mood, it helps maintain adequate hydration of the body.



  • Reduce salt. You can replace it with spices, iodized salt or seaweed salts. This way, you will be consuming less salt and increasing iodine. This is especially important during the first week of the period when this mineral drops. You can also consume foods that contain it such as shellfish and fish.
  • Increase the amount of fiber and water by eating fruits such as apples and raspberries, and vegetables such as lettuce, pumpkin or mushrooms, among others. Another good option is to add to your routine Super Slim Coffee which also contains fiber and gummies Skinny Yummy Gummy.





If you want to further support the balance of your hormones and have less painful and more bearable cycles or a menopause with fewer severe symptoms, in addition to losing a few pounds, download the DALE 28 Day Weight Loss Plan this month, dedicated to women's health from the menstrual cycle. You have time to make adjustments to your lifestyle to suffer less and enjoy the gift of being a woman more.


Your team Santo Remedio





1.Beverly Tan,1 Michael Philipp,2 Stephen Hill,2 Ahmad Munir Che Muhamed,3 and Toby Mundel1,*Pain Across the Menstrual Cycle: Considerations of Hydration/ Front Physiol. 2020; 11: 585667. Published online 2020 Oct 8. doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.585667 

2.Nina S. Stachenfeld, Ph.D.1,2,3/ Hormonal Changes During Menopause and the Impact on Fluid Regulation/ Reprod Sci. 2014 May; 21(5): 555–561.doi: 10.1177/1933719113518992

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