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The New CDC Guidelines For Vaccinees: How To Make A Safe Transit To Normality

Las Nuevas Guías de los CDC para Vacunados: Cómo Hacer un Tránsito Seguro a la Normalidad

Are we already at the point of retaking our lives as they were before? The answer is not so clear. We are actually closer, but in short, it is not something that will happen today or tomorrow. As they say: "you have to take three rayas to the accelerator", that, if we want to make sure.

The concrete changes

These weeks we have seen that the authorities at national level, as well as those in some states, have made decisions that we must take into account.

The first one, was made by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is fundamentally the entity that governs us in terms of sanitary regulations. They published a first report listing what they can do and what they should continue to avoid people who have already been vaccinated with all the doses that provide sufficient immune protection to take a step toward "normalcy." (1)

Among the main positive changes mentioned in this report are:

  • From now on people who have their two doses of vaccines (in the case of Pfizer and Moderna) or their single dose (of Jhonson & Jhonson) can meet with others who are in the same condition. And they can do it in enclosed spaces without having to wear the mask or maintain the physical distance.

  • They may also meet with unvaccinated people who live in their home, provided they do not present high-risk diseases. They can do it without mask and without maintaining the distancing.

  • They do not need to quarantine or test for COVID-19 after being exposed to a person infected, as long as they do not exhibit symptoms.

  • But they must continue to wear face masks and maintain physical distance in public spaces.

  • And they must maintain the same measures if they visit people who are not vaccinated and live in another household.

What they still cannot do:

  • The CDC does not recommend numerous or medium-sized meetings. Until now, the guides remain the same as we all have. And in case a vaccinated person participates in a large meeting, they should continue to wear a well-adjusted mask, keeping the physical space and washing their hands frequently. (2)

  • For the time being, the meetings should also be at the local level, as the CDC suggests that vaccinated people do not travel, so as not to take the risk of contracting the new variants of the virus, since the total effectiveness of the vaccines against them is not yet known with certainty.

Here you can review all aspects considered in the report.

The new normal of some states

  • Another of the changes have been taken by state authorities like those in Texas-a point badly hit by the pandemic-and Mississippi, which, however, decided to rule out the mandatory use of face masks and open restaurants and trade in general to their regular capacity. A drastic jump. How much will the virus increase? We'll see it from a few weeks. However, it is not a measure that is very happy to the experts and above all, to the medical staff of hospitals, which is, in the end, who carries the greatest weight on their shoulders at the moment of truth.

Step by step, the key pace for our security

Most health experts believe that in the best of cases, in the fall we could really feel again that things start to take a massive sense of normalcy, where we no longer have to be aware at all times of those 6 feet of distance, of the mask and the gel with alcohol at every moment. But for that to be achieved the gradual progress is fundamental.

As it is also continuing to support our immune system and focusing on controlling all those aspects that can affect our health, such as excess weight, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, too much stress and sleep disorder. Knowing how important these are in dealing with a health crisis has been one of the great lessons of this pandemic and we should not overlook it.

We won't all come back to greet us by hand or kiss on the cheek. This long pandemic changed us in many ways. Today we have a greater awareness that a simple gesture of affection, friendship or education can get to kill us if we catch a dangerous virus or our defensive system is depressed. Each person processes things differently and therefore, will have a distinct stance even after COVID-19 and we will have to learn to respect and live with them. Some will never again wear a mask in their lives, others will continue to do so during air travel, enclosed spaces or where they don't feel confident, especially if they have high-risk illnesses. And it's respectable in every case.

Probably the acceptance of the different "levels of normality", according to the perception or personal situation of each one who is the greatest challenge for all. In the meantime, let us move forward responsibly, one step at a time, for that return no sooner than expected.

Let's be healthier together.

Your team Santo Remedio

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