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6 Steps to Increase Your Flexibility

6 Pasos para recuperar la flexibilidad de tu cuerpo


Do you love to dance, but your knees can’t keep up? Do you have trouble going up or down the stairs? Do your shoulders get stiff? And your hands hurt, complicating everyday activities? Your joints are probably failing. Did you know that this problem is the leading cause of disability in the United States? According to data from the CDC, one in four people over 18 has arthritis, which causes severe pain and limits movement, affecting the work and social life of those who suffer from it. (1)

However, arthritis is not the only problem with joints as other bone diseases, inflammatory diseases, fractures, and even depression can affect them.

If you suffer from some of these problems and your quality of life has diminished due to joint deterioration in the knees, hips, shoulders, or hands, we have a few recommendations. They are easy to follow and can complement your doctor’s instructions.


Stretch in the mornings

The more you lead a sedentary lifestyle, the more joint discomfort you will have. One-third of people who suffer from arthritis are not physically active. Something as simple as stretching, especially in the mornings, can help maintain flexibility and reduce joint stiffness and pain.

Perform aerobic exercises

Although this can be a huge challenge at first, doing exercises such as walking, biking, swimming, or dancing can help keep your joints and balance in good condition. Talk to your doctor about which exercise is best for you.

Strengthen your muscles

Lift small weights or water bottles, which help strengthen the muscles in your arms and hands. Also, exercise with elastic resistance bands and do push-ups or lunges to strengthen your leg muscles. Strengthening muscles is essential for a healthy musculoskeletal system.

Control your weight

Body mass index is closely related to lack of physical activity and joint problems since it is a factor that increases discomfort and deterioration. Talk to your doctor about your ideal weight and how to achieve it. You can also download our free meal plan and our 700 Grams Challenge and use our weight loss products to support your journey.

Pay attention to your mental health and social life

Having pain and difficulty moving can cause isolation because you stop going out and doing the activities you love. However, according to experts, this is when you should find the motivation and connect with others most since mental health problems such as depression and lack of social connection worsen joint deterioration.

Nourish your joints

Most green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, lettuce, or chard, are rich in vitamin K, which is essential for maintaining bones healthy and avoiding injuries that deteriorate the joints.

Collagen is another essential nutrient for maintaining healthy joints. You can consume collagen in capsules, powder, or foods, such as gelatin and bone broth. If you want to make this step easier, you can use Super Bone Broth, which is concentrated broth powder, simple to prepare and, at the same time, delicious!

Add the right supplements

There are key elements to joint health. Glucosamine, for example, is a natural compound in our cartilage, which prevents joint degeneration and helps improve movement. Boswellia serrata is a resin that improves mobility in just a few days of use. Hyaluronic acid helps regenerate connective tissues and cartilage, improving long-term movement. Boron helps the body better absorb and use other minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, essential for bone structure. Turmeric helps fight joint inflammation and when mixed with tamarind seed extract, it has been shown to provide fast-acting and long-lasting joint relief.

The good thing is that you don’t need to take all these products separately. You can find them in Articulaciones (Joints), a formula with patented mixtures to help you quickly improve the flexibility and comfort of your joints.

A comprehensive approach like this, which covers the main aspects that affect joints, can help improve their functioning and prevent further deterioration so that you can return to dancing, painting, knitting, and doing everything that makes you happy. Get ready to take your life forward!

Your Santo Remedio team




  1. 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Page last reviewed: January 26, 2022, La artritis va en aumento,
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