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Lose weight and "empower" your heart in February

Pierde peso y "empodera" tu corazón

In the month of the heart, we would love to make your heart beat faster, whether just for sport or love! Let no one and nothing break it into little pieces! And that depends largely on you. You should keep in mind that, according to the American Heart Association, every 36.1 seconds a person dies from cardiovascular diseases, that is, attacks or strokes. That means that in the United States about 2,396 people lose their lives every day from a diseased heart.(1). We don't want you to be part of the statistics!

Every extra pound on your body increases your risk of heart disease. Both overweight and obesity cause problems. For example, they alter heart rate and metabolism, increase lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides, increase blood pressure and the possibility of developing diabetes, among other factors that weaken, stress and make you sick, especially when there is accumulated fat around the abdomen. (2)

It is true that genetics is an important factor. However, The most determining thing is our lifestyle and our diet.. Therefore, during this month, dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular health, we want you to take care of your heart. For this, the nutritionist Entalla, Sabrina Hernández-Cano prepared a special edition of our 28-day DALE plan, focused on protecting, strengthening and improving the health of your engine.

¿What will the DALE plan for the month of February be like??

  • During this month, you will continue using the same DALE Plan eating formula, that is, 2-1-2: 2 shakes - 1 main meal - 2 snacks.
  • We also suggest adding the supplements Entalla, since they can support and accelerate your weight loss process, adding fiber to your diet in a simple and delicious way, helping you feel fuller for longer with protein, providing nutrients and superfoods that fill you with vitality, and supporting your system nervous, so that you can achieve your goal with good spirits!
  • As we always mention, the DALE Plan is a lifestyle, therefore, you should not forget incorporate daily physical activity, meditate for five to 10 minutes a day and sleep for seven to nine hours each night. These are all important aspects when you want to lose weight and take your health to the next level.

So, ¿what's different February DALE?

This month, in addition to losing weight, you will be providing your body, especially your heart, with the nutrients it needs to stay as healthy as possible, get stronger and continue beating happily.

You will not be depriving yourself of good foods, as often happens in many diets, which ultimately affects your cardiovascular health.

Each week continues dedicated to a specific objective, with an emphasis on helping you create the necessary habits in 28 days and improve various aspects of your health that help you boost your most precious organ: your heart.

If you didn't start the 28-Day DALE Weight Loss Plan in January, it doesn't matter! You're on time! We can assure you that if you focus on following the plan as presented to you, in 28 days you will see a change, you will feel like a new person and with a heart in better condition, ready to fall in love! What are you waiting for? Download the plan at, and start transforming your life and giving it the real importance that your heart has in time!

Your team Santo Remedio



1.American Heart Association Report/2022 Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics Update American Heart Association Report What's new this year? -/media/PHD-Files-2/Science-News/2/2022-Heart-and-Stroke-Stat-Update/Translated-Materials/2022-Stat-Update-Whats-New-Spanish.pdf

2.Xavier Pi-Sunyer, The medical risks of obesity, Postgrad Med. 2009 Nov;121(6):21-33. doi: 10.3810/pgm.2009.11.2074.

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