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Here Are The Most Common Urinary Problems In Women And How To Treat Them Naturally

Problemas Urinarios Más Comunes En Las Mujeres Y Cómo Tratarlos Naturalmente

It's not just a sudden urge to go to the bathroom...

Here are the most common urinary problems in women and how to treat them naturally.

Let any woman who has never had an uncontrollable urge to urinate raise her hand... Or how about painful discomfort after intimacy... a night of sex with your partner leaves a strange aching so intense that you are left wondering if that level of discomfort is normal, or a sign of something more serious and contagious. All women go through uncomfortable moments, doubts and scares due to urinary issues. Although a normal and common occurrence, it can be difficult to accept.

On average, data shows that in the United States, 60% of women experience a urinary infection at least once in their lives. It's so common that it is considered a public health issue that costs the US about $25 billion a year in diagnoses and treatments. (1) (2)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are frequent among young women due to hormonal changes, new sexual and hygiene habits, genetics, etc. Pregnant, perimenopausal and postmenopausal women usually experience UTIs due to hormonal changes. The use of spermicidal contraceptives can also provoke them. There are environmental and dietary factors to consider that also increase or worsen certain symptoms. These include spicy food, smoking and alcohol, among others.

It's time to stop feeling embarrassed and face this problem. In order to do that, the first step is to stop believing and spreading the myth that a UTI is synonymous with indecency and misbehavior. UTIs are not instant karma.

What are urinary tract infections?

UTIs are infections caused by microorganisms, mainly bacteria that attack any organ that is part of the urinary system.

  • The kidneys produce the urine, through which we expel toxins.

  • The urine then passes through two tubes called ureters.

  • The urine reaches the bladder and accumulates to be eliminated.

  • The urine is then expelled through the urethra.

An infection can occur in any of these organs that form the urinary system.

Both men and women can experience UTIs, but they are 50 times more common in women because, anatomically, bacteria rise and reproduce more easily in the bladder or urethra.

The most common bacterium is the famous Escherichia coli (E. coli), which generates the most serious problems because it has an incredible capacity for adhesion to the tissues and reproductive system. (3)

Our body is designed to fight and eliminate most bacteria in the first 24 hours of contamination, but occasionally our natural defenses are unable to do so. This gives bacteria an open path to settle and aggressively reproduce, which generates an infection.

What are the main symptoms?

  • Urgent and constant need to urinate.

  • Burning sensation while urinating.

  • Urine with a strong, unpleasant odor.

  • Urine that is dark in color.

  • Pelvic pain and discomfort.

If, in addition to these symptoms, you have high fever, chills, nausea and/or vomiting, or pain in your upper back and side, see a doctor immediately. These are signs of a kidney infection, which is highly dangerous.

Suggestions and home remedies that can help prevent and treat UTIs:

  • Maintain good hygiene, especially after sexual activity as this can increase the risk of bacteria moving from the vagina up into the urethra.

  • Vaginal humidity promotes infection. Remove any excess moisture.

  • Use panty liners and cotton underwear which reduce heat and sweat.

  • Drink plenty of water, even if it seems contradictory. Hydration helps eliminate bacteria from the body.

  • Drink unsweetened cranberry juice. This acidic fruit helps prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract and reproducing.

  • Consume probiotics such as fermented foods, kefir, kombucha and yogurt. Probiotics can decrease the risk of UTIs and help make antibiotics more effective.

We also have natural remedies that can support you in your battle to prevent and combat urinary issues:

Vitamin C

Science has shown that it can help prevent urinary infections, in some cases reducing the risk of contraction by half. Vitamin C generates an acidic environment where bacteria do not thrive. (4)

Glucosamine sulfate

There are studies that prove taking this supplement at a dose of 500 mg three times a day can help rebuild the lining of the bladder mucosa as well as reduce inflammation. (5)


Some studies suggest that it may be a viable alternative for treating UTIs, especially those produced by E. coli. (6)

We recommend that you search our site for the book Santo Remedio para Mujeres by Dr. Juan to find a complete chapter dedicated to UTIs and how to naturally treat them.

If the infection and its discomfort last more than three days, consult your doctor or gynecologist to receive a prescription for antibiotics. You can support that treatment with the use of the natural products mentioned above.

The important thing is that you never stop questioning your body’s aches and pains and quickly treat any urinary issues. In time, these will eventually become only a temporary discomfort. Don't allow bacteria to take hold of your body due to unfounded embarrassment. Every inch of your body is valuable and deserves appropriate attention.

Let's be healthier, together.

Your team at Santo Remedio

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